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Orphans and the world at large

Losing a parent is undoubtedly a traumatic experience for any child. It is an experience that will follow that child, likely playing a larg...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Let our children be !

Every child is entitled to enjoy their childhood and grow up normally.
Change .org is facing a new challenge of trying to stop young children from being sent to marrige. That is happening in Nigeria right now, support the course by signing the petition on change.org so we can stop this action.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Thoughts of the day.

Its another blessed day as I woke up alive and well. My thoughts are all over the place today. Most of it has been about what I can do right here right now, to impact the live of a child in need.

First I will always pray that God gives me the knowledge , strength and vision to attempt this whole daunting task. As the days go by I ponder if am even able to help . But I trust and believe that there is some one out there who can make this happen.

Children are the future. Most often, we complain about adults of today , but we can stop that trend by making sure the future is secure while we are no more. Though this might not matter to some people , I think it does to most.

Congressman Elijah Cummings said it well , when he said "Our children are the living messages we send to a future we shall never see.

If you feel kind today say something, if not today , then next time.!

Friday, July 5, 2013


That ,
Malnutrition is the greatest contributor to child mortality according to the WHO (World Health Organization). In 2010 approximately 20 million children worldwide were estimated to suffer from severe acute malnutrition, while one third of all childhood deaths were and still are linked to malnutrition. (WHO)

Malnutrition is caused by unbalanced diets lacking vital nutrients leaving children more vulnerable to serious illness and early death. Essential micronutrient supplements containing selected vitamins and nutrients (particularly vitamin A, iron, iodine, folate and zinc), as formulated and recommended by the WHO and UNICEF, are trusted to mitigate the effects of malnutrition especially among children under the age of five.

Essential micronutrients are imperative for proper immune function, structural integrity of cells, and cognitive development of infants and children. Providing these helps build the foundation for good health and the opportunity to lead meaningful as well as productive lives.

Many children in foadac orphanages suffer from malnutrition a great deal. We have launched a food drive efforts in the past to attempt to feed some of the children. We are looking for any one who can help us with getting pre-packaged nutrition packed foods. The type that is usually sent to disaster zones by Red Cross or Unicef for example. All ideas and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.  
Thanks always !

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


As we in the United States celebrate Independence Day this week, perhaps some will be asking, “What is there to celebrate?”

There is no question that the US faces serious problems. Americans are divided over many issues. There is the overarching problem of the economy and national indebtedness. What should be done about climate change and protection of the environment? In many places, our infrastructure of roads, bridges and utilities is crumbling. The cost of health care is skyrocketing. Divorce rates are still at 50% and 40% of children are born out of wedlock. There are 3000 abortions a day and 19 million new cases of STDs each year. Some things about our nation are not worthy of celebrating.

Nevertheless, we cannot deny that life in the US, compared to most other nations, is the proverbial bowl of cherries. That is no reason to be smug and complacent about our blessings. As the patriotic hymn, “America the Beautiful” reminds us, we still need to ask God to “mend thine every flaw.” As loyal citizens, we should want to do whatever we can to make our homeland a better place.
 (Thanks to Joseph Tkatch for this piece.) I couldn't have said it any better.

Thank God for each day that you wake up be it a holiday or otherwise.

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