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Losing a parent is undoubtedly a traumatic experience for any child. It is an experience that will follow that child, likely playing a larg...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Some questions and Answers to to the big issue at present !

How can you get infected with Ebola?
You can be infected with the Ebola virus by direct contact with the blood or bodily fluids of someone who is sick with Ebola. (Bodily fluids, according to the Centers for Disease Control, include “urine, saliva, sweat, feces, vomit, breast milk and semen.” You could also be infected by needles or syringes contaminated with the virus or by contact with infected fruit bats or primates (like apes and monkeys).

What are some ways you can’t get infected with Ebola?
You cannot be infected with Ebola by contact with someone who is not ill. If a person is infected, but not exhibiting symptoms of Ebola, that person cannot infect you. You cannot be infected by casual (non-blood and non-body fluid) contact even with someone who is sick with Ebola. You can’t get it through the air, through water, or through food grown or legally purchased in the United States. There is no evidence that mosquitos or other insects can transmit Ebola.

Am I at risk for Ebola by doing what I do every day?
Going to class, attending programs, going out for coffee or participating in other typical activities are not risk factors for contracting Ebola. In the United States, we are at very low risk for an Ebola outbreak.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Still in the news

Ebola is still devastating West Africa, in one chart
The number of known Ebola cases in the US dropped to one on Tuesday when the second nurse to contract the disease was deemed cured. But Ebola cases are still skyrocketing in West Africa, new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data shows.
To deal with the growing epidemic, the World Health Organization projects that West Africa needs 5,000 health-care workers. But, as Vox's Sarah Kliff wrote, recent restrictions on health-care workers returning from West Africa to the US could actually discourage doctors and nurses from volunteering in the region.

That could have detrimental effects in the US, too. If Ebola cases continue to climb in West Africa, the chances of the disease spreading to other parts of the world increase as well.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

More from the news !

The Washington Post
No unity over Ebola monitoring of travelers
The Ebola quarantine controversy has become a chaotic brawl involving politics, science and the law. The rules on quarantining health-care workers returning from West Africa are changing almost daily and varying according to geography and political climate. The Pentagon announced Monday that Army personnel returning to their home base in Italy from Liberia will be held in quarantine for 21 days — even though none have symptoms of Ebola or were exposed to patients infected with the virus. 

Just thinking ....

In recent times , there has been certain health issues involving a great amount of people ,couple years ago it was the H1N1 virus , now its the Ebola Virus that is killing many people. At the end of the day we are left with families and especially children needing help to continue with life. That is where you and I come in . To make a contribution of some sort to help those that have found themselves in this unfortunate situations. For those of us from West Africa, we are going to have to deal with the aftermath issues of today's Ebola.So let us now start to think of how we can help each other prevent future occurrence as well as take care of those who will be left behind.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Support a great cause !!

It's almost the end of year and we have been working hard to gather clothing , school supplies and more for kids in orphanages. Now we need your help in shipping these items to them for the holidays and the new school year. All you need to do is visit our website and make a tax free donation . Any and every amount is welcome and greatly appreciated. www.foadac.org
you can also send us your comments , ideas and more -foadac@yahoo.com , www.foadac.blogspot.com. Many Thanks in advance.

Yesterday foadac received a large donation of books for kids , crayons , book bags and more. Many thanks Johns Hopkins for that support always

Hopkins News !!

JHSPH in the News October 23, 2014**

Some U.S. hospitals weigh withholding care to Ebola patients
The Ebola crisis is forcing the American healthcare system to consider the previously unthinkable: withholding some medical interventions because they are too dangerous to doctors and nurses and unlikely to help a patient. Officials from at least three hospital systems interviewed by Reuters said they were considering whether to withhold individual procedures or leave it up to individual doctors to determine whether an intervention would be performed.
Nancy Kass comments.
Agence France-Presse via Yahoo! News
Cuban response to Ebola outbreak helps thaw relations with US
Cuba’s contribution of hundreds of doctors and nurses to fight Ebola puts the island at the forefront of the international response and is even thawing relations with a sworn enemy the United States. Despite its small population and strapped economy, Cuba has sent 165 medical professionals to Sierra Leone, a larger contingent than most Western countries. Another 91 Cuban doctors and nurses are to begin work shortly in Liberia and Guinea, and Cuba has pledged to send more than 200 others.
Diane Griffin comments.
The Blaze

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

From the media to Us !

Why This Ebola Epidemic Won’t Become the ‘Black Death’ of the 21st Century
A new CDC report warns that, without intervention, Ebola cases in West Africa could double every 20 days. But basic improvements in medical infrastructure can — and will — be able to stop the bleeding.
The ongoing outbreak of Ebola in a three-country region of West Africa is the worst that mankind has ever seen.
The latest assessment estimated that more than 5,800 people have been infected and 2,803 people have died, but many health officials warn the toll could be much higher.
At its current infection rate, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 20,000 Ebola cases by November in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine today. Now that the infections have moved from largely rural areas to densely populated cities, some projections show many more infections by the end of September.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed a new report Tuesday that states that without additional intervention, Ebola infections in Nigeria and Sierra Leone could reach 21,000 cases by the end of the month. That rate is expected to double every 20 days.

“If conditions continue without scale-up of interventions, cases will continue to double approximately every 20 days, and the number of cases in West Africa will rapidly reach extraordinary levels. However, the findings also indicate that the epidemic can be controlled,” the report concludes.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Keeping up with the news . Ebola and the after effect !!!


History does not paint the Middle Ages as a fun time. Between 1347 and 1352, a vicious plague known as the Black Death ravaged Europe, killing an estimated 20 million to 25 million people — almost a third of the population at the time. History classes have long taught that the Black Death was synonymous with the bubonic plague, a bacterial disease spread by fleas on rodents, but in the wake of the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa, researchers are discovering that the Black Death could have been an Ebolalike virus. I didn’t think the Ebola situation could get any scarier, but it just did.
Researchers Christopher Duncan and Susan Scott make the argument that the Black Death was most likely caused by a hemorrhagic virus like Ebola, rather than the bacteria related to the bubonic plague. The duo looked at everything from symptoms to the way the two diseases spread. In order to draw detailed comparisons between the medieval disease and modern Ebola, let’s revisit history class. 
So how does it compare to the Ebola virus that is currently devastating West Africa?

Brace yourself: The Black Death earned its ominous name from the black liquid that seeped out of swollen lymph nodes on the afflicted. The swollen areas, which are also known as buboes, were a defining characteristic of the disease and they usually occurred in the armpit and groin areas.
If infection reaches the blood stream, it severely damages the organs and causes blood vessels to hemorrhage, which then results in bleeding from the nose and ears and vomiting blood. These extreme symptoms are also accompanied by flulike symptoms, including fever, headaches, chills, and weakness. 
Despite the similarities, it seems that modern Ebola may be even scarier and more deadly than a disease called Black Death. According to Dr. David Dennis, coordinator of the plague program for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, victims of the Black Death, if untreated, had a mortality rate of 50 to 60 percent. Ebola, on the other hand, has a mortality rate of up to 90 percent.

Similarly, Ebola, which was formerly known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, also starts out with flulike symptoms, including fever, headaches, and muscle aches. And like the Black Death, Ebola victims often go through a bleeding phase that can result in vomiting or coughing up blood and bleeding from the eyes, nose, and mouth. 

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