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Orphans and the world at large

Losing a parent is undoubtedly a traumatic experience for any child. It is an experience that will follow that child, likely playing a larg...

Monday, November 20, 2017


Today’s  marks Children’s Day 2017 and reminds us of the old adage, “Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.”
Children’s Day is an international celebration intended to bring nations together to promote child welfare.
Its origins can be traced all the way back to Reverend Dr Charles Leonard, pastor of the Universalist Church of the Redeemer in Chelsea, Massachusetts, who gave a service dedicated to childhood innocence in June 1856. His sermon was so popular that it gave rise to an annual tradition known as Rose Day, later rechristened Flower Day.
The United Nations (UN) formally inaugurated Children’s Day as an international event in 1954, the celebration subsequently becoming associated with the UN’s Declaration of the Rights of the Child five years later and marked on the date of that legislation’s adoption thereafter, 20 November.
Every Children’s Day is given a theme by UNICEF and 2017’s is #KidsTakeOver, with the fund encouraging young people across the world to step into their parents shoes and address the plight of those less fortunate from platforms they would ordinarily be too short to reach.

Just sharing and spreading the word.
( Information from UNICEF )


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

#World Kindness DAY !!

World Kindness day was yesterday. That should only be a reminder to be kind at every opportune time.

Be kind to someone today and put a smile on their face. Little acts of kindness can save a life even without you knowing.

HIV world Today - Some useful statistics

HIV and AIDS remain a persistent problem for the United States and countries around the world. While great progress has been made in preventing and treating HIV, there is still much to do. The questions in this section provide a broad overview of the effects of HIV and AIDS in the United States and globally.

Do people still die from HIV ?
Yes. In the United States, 6,721 people died from HIV and AIDS in 2014. HIV remains a significant cause of death for certain populations. In 2014, it was the 8th leading cause of death for those aged 25-34 and 9th for those aged 35-44.

Today, an estimated 1.1 million people are living with HIV in the United States. Thanks to better treatments, people with HIV are now living longer—and with a better quality of life—than ever before. If you are living with HIV, it’s important to make choices that keep you healthy and protect others.
Receiving a diagnosis of HIV can be a life-changing event. People can feel many emotions—sadness, hopelessness, and even anger


1.1 million people are living with HIV in the United States. You can only imagine what the number is for Sub-Saharan Africa.  Let the progress in medicine and treatment not stop you from continuing to support this population.

Best Regards.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Reparations , The fight continues !

There are orphans all over the globe who need help from  those of us without that same status.
We at FOADAC find that very necessary and important. As we live in the world things and times change constantly ,and to be useful , you will need to adjust to meet the recent functions.

 FOADAC is doing just that but not loosing focus of our mission, which is providing for those in need. Our work in the last couple of years has been mostly in the filed, identifying abandoned , disabled and orphaned kids.

Like I said in my last blog posting , HIV/AIDS is now manageable and many more people are living with the disease thus less orphaned kids from that sector. But the fact remains , the kids that were left behind , still need our help and support to achieve their goals and have a near normal existence. Reparations after a war or a health epidermic, takes years and for some it might event take a life time.

We need your support to continue the outreach work we started a few years ago. Please visit our website to see what we do and to support the cause in any small way. All are welcome, All are appreciated.

Many Blessings to you and Yours

Visit us often to see your donations at work

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