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Orphans and the world at large

Losing a parent is undoubtedly a traumatic experience for any child. It is an experience that will follow that child, likely playing a larg...

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Happy Holidays 2020

 The year 2020 has been a daunting one to put it mildly. This holiday season will be different. Families have been separated by distance , by death and even lack of resources to make holiday gatherings possible. Others have lost their jobs due to the pandemic and registered many other losses.

We can all just take a deep breathe and be thankful for whatever little we have . Knowing someone somewhere might be having it worst. As for me and my family, I am grateful for being alive and healthy.

Hope you all will make the best of all that you have.

We at foadac are wishing you a happy holiday season and a better , safer and health year ahead.

Many blessings to you and yours.

Take care 

Friday, November 13, 2020


 Today is world kindness day!! There seems to be a day for every action in our daily life. Kindness is an everyday occurrence or at least it should be. Highlighting the day simply reminds us of what we should be doing. Did you know you actually feel better when you are kind to someone? Try it.

A simple act of kindness however big or small might be what somebody just needed that day , and it makes a gig difference for another even when you don't realize it. With just a little kindness from mankind , the world would be a better place

Today is a global day that promotes the importance of being kind to each other and even to yourself.

Kindness means:



RESPECTING each other and their differences

A UNIFYING Human principle


SHARING and much more.

Let us all do our best to partake in an act of kindness as a way of life.

Much love from me to you and yours:


Monday, October 19, 2020

While we are in a Pandemic !!

 "On International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, we must remind ourselves that #malaria thrives within impoverished communities, hindering growth and limiting the prospects of those infected. In fact, malaria costs Africa around US$12 billion every year!" UNICEF.

While we are in a pandemic , it is hard to think of other sicknesses. Nonetheless, there is still there is still a big problem of poverty world wide in many third world countries, as well as other illnesses.

Malaria for example is prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa , killing many people daily. can you imagine having to deal with malaria and Covid?

Let us continue to support those who are out in the fiels doing their best to curtail these ailments.

Your support to any of these organizations is great appreciated.

Thanks and be safe.

Monday, September 14, 2020

As the Pandemic continues !!

 The Global Fund reported that , the number of people dying from AIDS has dropped by more than half in the past two decades. But then COVID 19 came and all that progress is being affected. It is reversing the progress. Thus AIDs related deaths could double next year thereby eliminating more than ten years gains and efforts made towards eradicating this disease.

 Yep people with low immunity and other ailments are more at risk. Let us continue to do our part in taking preventive measures and hope this virus goes away. Support your local HIV/AIDS action programs and help support individuals as they battle their disease in the midst of a pandemic

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

World Humanitarian Day !!

 If only this could be everyday for us humans!!

Today is world humanitarian day.Thanks to all those who make it their business to help others.

 To them I say thanks, to the rest of us I say let us do our best to show a little kindness everyday. being kind and helpful to another human being should be second nature to all, but unfortunately our world today is filled with hate , crimes , wars and plagued with disease.

Today reminded me to continue to express love and show kindness to one another. I pray for peace and health in the world. Smile at some one , nod, say hello for its the smallest and simplest things that really matter.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Children and the Pandemic!!

As I listened to the news , read the paper . look at headlines online, all I hear is that there is a grim future ahead. My thoughts and prayers goes to the children of the world, who according to the world food organization are dying of starvation. 

As a result of the pandemic many children will die not from the virus but from the chain reaction of events following the virus. The world food organization says about 140 million children now are suffering and dying from hunger. With no school , many children are now missing meals and many other essential services. I hope those in charge can help reverse this current status. 
Ultimately only the God lord and see us through.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Human Rights !!

Today Marks 75 years since the United Nations has been in the business of  human rights activities.
These are rights that have been violated by so many nations and have received no sanctions. Although I stand with the UN , I strongly believe , there is yet more to accomplish. 

Their anniversary has come at a time when the world needs human rights protection the most. There is pandemic of 2019/2020 ravaging the world , there civil wars and other civil crisis , there are bad governments killing its people. In United States , we have the recent killings of black men and women.
My native Cameroon has seen the senseless loss of thousands of lives and displacement of the common man. People are now living in bushes for fear of their lives. So many inhumane things going on around us today. 

United Nations we are hoping that you will put your best foot forward and continue to save lives and protect human rights. Though politics do get in the way sometimes, and they have not always been satisfactory  or even timely in their response in certain cases , I believe the UN has done some great work since inception.

                                                                                                                                                                         THANK YOU!! A LOT  HAS BEEN DONE,


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Day of the African Child.

There is one day in the year to commemorate the African child. This helps us look back at the progress that has been made in reducing mortality and educating young minds.  UNICEF does a great deal of work out of politics to help the cause for children.

As a reminder , when the adults of the world poorly plan , it means the future of children are at stake. So if we have that in mind and function in a way that protects and prevents bad outcomes , the children will successfully lead our world tomorrow, thus allowing us a better old age adventure.

In recent times , there has been so many deaths, unnecessary killings , wars , and disease , the end result of all this means the children will pay the price somehow, sometime. Growing up with parents is challenging enough , imagine doing the same without parents or just one parent. 

I hope we can all recommit to creating a better life for the children  of the world.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Just thinking out loud during the the Pandemic!!

It is a sad situation around the globe. The human race is dealing with a pandemic and yet there are still killings and hatred amongst groups of people. One would think , at a time like this , we will rally around each other , be kind , be helpful and allow peace to rain. Instead here in America with the greatest amount of Covid deaths and Covid possitive people, some folks still find it in their hearts to kill minorities in broad daylight and enjoy doing it. 

I don't know how to feel. In my life and where I come from , we die from sicknesses , hunger and starvation , war and famine. So it is hard for me to understand how in the most advanced nation in the world , people are allowed to kill minorities especially blacks and simply get away with it.

All I can do now is pray for justice and pray for peace within the human race.

Stay Safe, Stay healthy !

Thursday, May 21, 2020


It seems so unrelatable  that this is actually happening! If you, or someone you know is impacted by COVID-19, you're in my prayers. If you have lost a loved one due to the virus, please accept my deepest condolences! I hope you and your family are safe and healthy. 

On the bright side, the stay at home time is a great time to do all the things you always wanted to do but couldn't find time to do them. It's also a great time to bond with your family, get much needed rest, think new thoughts, and start pursuing those dreams and goals that have been on your heart since you were a little boy or girl. 

With so much uncertainty in the air, anxiety is on the rise. And we sometimes need something to take our minds off our reality. So am introducing you to EC virtual travels on Youtube and  www.ec-travels.com  

This blog site allows you to  travel virtually and find your happy place. Check it out while we wait for life to return to normal.

Until next time, give someone a hug and a smile.!!

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Happy mother's day to all the mothers out there and to the female specie at large. Every female has the capability of being a mother  to some child in the course of their life ,as an auntie , a big sister , a mother or simply a caregiver. 

Thank you all for taking care of us.
Let us also think of the children who have no mothers in their life for one reason or the other. They depend on us for care  and love. Knowing that some one out there cares for them is very comforting.

Stay safe ! stay blessed ! 

Monday, May 4, 2020

Covid-19 still in the horizon

 The virus has continued to ravage through the globe with the U.S.A being the worst hit at this time.
Renowned organizations such as UNICEF , UN, WHO are looking seriously into preparing Africa in the event that this pandemic hits hard.

 Luckily the Nation of Africa has not seen anything like the western world. Thank God for that. There is the issue of vaccines , weather or not they are safe or needed to be tested on Africans. I'll leave this question to the experts.

 Fact of the matter is that , the nation of Africa is going to need help. There already exist several vices, added with a pandemic will be an absolute disaster for the masses. Deaths across all ages will leave a deep hole of dependency for the basic necessities of life.
Charity organizations will be overwhelmed trying to fill the void. But support and prayers from wonderful folks out there will go a long way in making a difference, especially in the lives of young children.

Please leave comment let me know your thoughts.

Stay safe , Stay healthy wherever you are.


Monday, April 13, 2020

Five weeks of Stay at home !!

This has been an exceptionally difficult five weeks here in the USA. Rate of infections are skyrocketing and death toll increasing.
Just stopped by to to say, I hope you and your loved ones and your community, are finding ways to cope in the face of this unprecedented challenges of the Covid-19.

Also to express my gratitude for all those in the eye of this storm helping us fight. The medical workers, groceries stores , technicians making sure we have electricity and all other essential workers out there.


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Virus war continues

Yesterday was World Health day  what an irony , the world now is very sick and many are dying from the attack of this  corona virus.  I want to consider today wellness Wednesday , to be a reminder for all to continue to stay , wash our hands and take all the prevention information we have been given.

All we can do now is pray for all those infected world wide , for those in the medical field fighting this battle on our behalf. For all other essential workers helping us to endure the stay at home mandate.

There are many who are vulnerable and can be easily forgotten at this time. Please think of the homeless, the elderly , orphans , disabled and many others who are already dealing many issues in life.
Consider this to be a reminder to show a little kindness whenever possible.

#wash your hands
# stay at home
# physical not social distance.
# pray for all to conquer

Monday, March 30, 2020

The virus issue !

So last month I was talking about the civil crisis in Cameroon and other issues affecting the Sub- Saharan Africa. Things like poor healthcare , bad governance , inadequate infrastructure, Malnutrition and much more.
Now comes the COVID-19 , as if we did not have enough to deal with. Thank God the cases are still quite minimal compared to the rest of the world. We hope and pray that this goes away soon , else the after effects will be catastrophic to put it mildly.

Lets all continue to follow medical expert guidelines  as advised.
Stay home , stay safe.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

More Grief

The Nation of Cameroon continues in the struggle ! It is hard to fathom some of the recent events taking place in now fourth year of the civil crisis. A few days a ago the opposition soldiers massacred 22 people , women , children , pregnant women and dumped them in a mass grave. This happened at night when people were sleeping. Some where burnt alive and others shot as they attempted to run
Such gruesome acts of violence is now common place in the English speaking regions.

While we focus on surviving children of such catastrophes , we cannot help but think of all who have been affected.  We ask for your prayers and support for those currently in these regions and for peace to come to the country at large.


Thursday, February 6, 2020

Still on the mission !

Greetings after sometime. The internet corrupted our blog and files, took sometime to recover some portions of it.
Thanks for your patience if you stopped by and check on us. We appreciate you.

The nation of Cameroon where we predominantly do outreach work , has been having a lot of political problems , leading to civil crisis in the affected regions.

Needless to say this brings about several children in need of health and daily sustainability.
Parents and kids have been displaced as a result of killings, burning of homes and general destruction of the living quarters and daily life activities.
FOADAC is partnering with other NGOs to provide assistance in the form of food , clothing, shelter, medical needs and much more. In such difficult times , we are asking for your help in any way possible that you can afford.

This past holiday season we were able to provide some much needed food to many families. Thank you for making that possible.

Please feel free to leave comments or ask questions about anything you will like to know about.
email us at ( foadac@yahoo.com ) , also on Twitter , Facebook and on Instagram. You can also visit our website at www.foadac.org.


Visit us often to see your donations at work

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