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Orphans and the world at large

Losing a parent is undoubtedly a traumatic experience for any child. It is an experience that will follow that child, likely playing a larg...

Monday, July 7, 2014

Nurturing is vital !

Most of the time , we concentrate on making sure disadvantaged kids get food to eat , a place to stay , education and vocation. Although these are all important things, there is a great need for these kids to be nurtured as well.

For us to give them the best and the most that we can afford , we need  someone to nurture and guide them as they develop life skills and sustenance them to become mature individuals.

A child might have it all but lack love , care and concern. Someone to simply listen and pay attention to them , to love them , to hug them , to validate them. This is why we need volunteers to not only donate financially but to give the free gift of time and a listening ear.

When you spend time with another person, give them your whole attention and focus , you never know how much you can positively impact their life in those few minutes or hours. Providing communication, willingness to listen, compromise, and comfort in knowing that someone actually cares for them and that they are worthy.

There has been reports that shows supporting and encouraging "vulnerable" children  increases their positive self image and helps to avoid negative expectations and stereotypes of everyday life.

Thinking about more ways to help FOADAC kids and many like them around the globe is what I was thinking about today:)

If you have some other great ideas, please don't hesitate to add it to the comment box.


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