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Orphans and the world at large

Losing a parent is undoubtedly a traumatic experience for any child. It is an experience that will follow that child, likely playing a larg...

Friday, May 29, 2020

Just thinking out loud during the the Pandemic!!

It is a sad situation around the globe. The human race is dealing with a pandemic and yet there are still killings and hatred amongst groups of people. One would think , at a time like this , we will rally around each other , be kind , be helpful and allow peace to rain. Instead here in America with the greatest amount of Covid deaths and Covid possitive people, some folks still find it in their hearts to kill minorities in broad daylight and enjoy doing it. 

I don't know how to feel. In my life and where I come from , we die from sicknesses , hunger and starvation , war and famine. So it is hard for me to understand how in the most advanced nation in the world , people are allowed to kill minorities especially blacks and simply get away with it.

All I can do now is pray for justice and pray for peace within the human race.

Stay Safe, Stay healthy !

Thursday, May 21, 2020


It seems so unrelatable  that this is actually happening! If you, or someone you know is impacted by COVID-19, you're in my prayers. If you have lost a loved one due to the virus, please accept my deepest condolences! I hope you and your family are safe and healthy. 

On the bright side, the stay at home time is a great time to do all the things you always wanted to do but couldn't find time to do them. It's also a great time to bond with your family, get much needed rest, think new thoughts, and start pursuing those dreams and goals that have been on your heart since you were a little boy or girl. 

With so much uncertainty in the air, anxiety is on the rise. And we sometimes need something to take our minds off our reality. So am introducing you to EC virtual travels on Youtube and  www.ec-travels.com  

This blog site allows you to  travel virtually and find your happy place. Check it out while we wait for life to return to normal.

Until next time, give someone a hug and a smile.!!

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Happy mother's day to all the mothers out there and to the female specie at large. Every female has the capability of being a mother  to some child in the course of their life ,as an auntie , a big sister , a mother or simply a caregiver. 

Thank you all for taking care of us.
Let us also think of the children who have no mothers in their life for one reason or the other. They depend on us for care  and love. Knowing that some one out there cares for them is very comforting.

Stay safe ! stay blessed ! 

Monday, May 4, 2020

Covid-19 still in the horizon

 The virus has continued to ravage through the globe with the U.S.A being the worst hit at this time.
Renowned organizations such as UNICEF , UN, WHO are looking seriously into preparing Africa in the event that this pandemic hits hard.

 Luckily the Nation of Africa has not seen anything like the western world. Thank God for that. There is the issue of vaccines , weather or not they are safe or needed to be tested on Africans. I'll leave this question to the experts.

 Fact of the matter is that , the nation of Africa is going to need help. There already exist several vices, added with a pandemic will be an absolute disaster for the masses. Deaths across all ages will leave a deep hole of dependency for the basic necessities of life.
Charity organizations will be overwhelmed trying to fill the void. But support and prayers from wonderful folks out there will go a long way in making a difference, especially in the lives of young children.

Please leave comment let me know your thoughts.

Stay safe , Stay healthy wherever you are.


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